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Less is more? Trump out of sight as border talks play out

president donald trump, white house in washington
In this Jan. 25, 2019, photo, President Donald Trump speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. While government reopens, Trump remains behind closed doors. Since Saturday, Trump has listed no public events on his schedule and has provided few details on his world news reports

WASHINGTON (AP) — No televised roundtables with cabinet secretaries. No freewheeling speeches from the Oval Office. No shouted comments on his thanks to Marine One.

Where’s the president? whereas the national is open once more, President Donald Trump has been mostly behind closed doors.

Republicans and Democrats alike appear simply fine with Trump hanging back as legislators try to work out a deal to keep the govt open and resolve a standoff over funding for the president’s long-sought wall at the southern border. In fact, some lawmakers suppose less Trump could be an honest issue, given his rocky relationships with legislators and open criticism of his negotiating skills.

Over the last five days, Trump has had no public events.

The White House says the president has created his demands for border wall funding clear and that he's rental the committee method play out on capitol hill. One official, speaking on condition of anonymity to debate private talks, stressed that Trump was “engaged at each level” on border security, together with receiving a long informing on the subject Wednesday, and has continuing to urge his message out, together with doing an interview with The Daily Caller. The official added that the White House has additionally been heavily concerned at a employees level.

Democrats, for their half, are additionally pointed about the positive aspects of less Trump.

Said Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat: “When the president stays out of the negotiations, we tend to nearly always succeed. once he mixes in, it’s a formula for failure. so I’d ask President Trump, ‘Let Congress deal with it on its own.’”

Asked about Schumer’s comment, Trump told The Daily Caller, “I don’t blame him.” however the president additional that “without our involvement, a deal isn't going to get done.”

While Trump has been avoiding public appearances, he’s continued shelling out his practiced mix of bluster and blame on Twitter — together with contradicting his intelligence chiefs and slamming a former staffer for writing a White House tell-all. He has additionally weighed in on the legislature negotiations, spoken communication that if the negotiating committee “is not discussing or contemplating a Wall or Physical Barrier, they're wasting their time!”

Never able to keep out of the public eye for long, Trump is speaking up additional in the coming days. He’ll do an interview with CBS that may air throughout the Super Bowl on Sunday, his State of the Union address is Tuesday and therefore the White home is advisement travel choices for once the speech to drive home his message on border security.

Going quietly once the fractious fight with Democrats raised questions about whether Trump was missing a chance to in public frame the controversy and push his border security arguments. however, some Republicans said it had been the proper move.

“I suppose it’s good for him to hold back here,” said brandy Short, former White House director of legislative affairs. “I do suppose he ought to still be traveling to vulnerable districts to put pressure on (Democrats) politically. however, I feel it’s fine for him to not be at the middle of the negotiations.”

Trump’s allies additionally noted that he has been performing on a range of different problems throughout this period. He referred to as Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guido to supply his support Wednesday. He attended a political operative at the Trump International hotel on Monday night. He hosted sen. David Perdue of Georgia for lunch at the White House on Sunday.

“There’s a ton going on. It’s Venezuela, China, North Korea. It’s not the public event stuff,” said former Trump campaign aide Barry Bennett.

Bennett argued that giving Congress some space made sense for Trump, adding: “If I was him, I would see what they offer. If they don’t solve it, then solve it yourself.”

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